简客游戏攻略网 游戏攻略 【龙腾网】古筝《不染》



正文翻译原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:数月亮的星星 转载请注明出处【古筝】《不染》 街头演奏


评论翻译原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:数月亮的星星 转载请注明出处raven arceneauxI don''''t know why but Chinese music always makes me want to cry i can''''t help it我不知道为什么,但中国音乐总是让我想哭,我忍不住。Jade Wuraven arceneaux Because it’s aways beautiful raven arceneaux 因为中国音乐总是美丽的。Mapz Hmar ZateYeah.same here. they usually sound so sentimental and nostalgic.我也是。它们听起来总是那么感伤、怀旧。symphony syncereYou should listen to the original vocal version from the drama "Ashes of Love". The lyrics are so sad.你应该听听电视剧《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》的原声版。歌词很悲伤。Meli’s ParadiseMaybe you were Chinese last life.也许你前世是中国人。

AnneIt is!!! One of my favorite Chinese drama.这是! ! !我最喜欢的中国电视剧之一。Wonder WomanCan you tell me what it is about without spoiling anything?你能告诉我它是关于什么的吗?但是不要剧透。Aya Chendeb Wonder Woman She''''s talking about a love story and a greed for power And the struggle of love between brothers. ? I don''''t know what to say more without spoiler ??????But I advise you to watch it, It''''s beautiful love story ?? Wonder Woman讲的是一个爱情故事,一个关于对权力的贪婪以及兄弟之间因为爱情而斗争的故事。不剧透的话,我不知道还能说什么。。。但是我建议你去看,这是一个美丽的爱情故事。Edith ZuseI love this music, I’ve seen the serie Ashes of Love, it made me cried ??, there is another tv serie is called Eternal Love , is one of my favorite too.我爱这首歌,我看过《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》,我要哭死了,还有一个电视连续剧叫《三生三世》,也是我的最爱之一。A.R.M.Y BTSI love that Chinese drama.我喜欢那部中国电视剧。YoonbreadWonder Woman AOL is the love story between the unknown daughter of the late flower diety and the heavenly emperor’s second son, Phoenix. Their love was forbidden due to the relationship between their parents, her engagement to his older brother and other factors but their love persevered across hundreds of years. It’s a beautiful story more romantic that Romeo and Juliet. Wonder Woman 讲述的是一位不知名的花神之女和天帝的次子凤凰之间的爱情故事。因为他们的父母之间的关系,他们的爱情不被允许,她和他哥哥订婚了,但他们的爱坚持了数百年。这是一个比罗密欧与朱丽叶更浪漫的美丽故事。Lian RenI watched Ashes of Love but didn''''t finish it because of my Second male lead syndrome.. I just love Luo Yunxi that I really hate DengLun.. ????我看了《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》,但是没有看完,因为我得了第二男主角综合症。我只喜欢罗云熙,我真的讨厌邓伦…N. A.When I hear Chinese music my mind automatically creates slow-mo flying people with swords... ??当我听到中国音乐时,我的脑海里就会不由自主产生拿着剑的慢动作武者……Catleya NekoI find chinese culture very beautiful.. i always read in novels i wanna try this instrument too我觉得中国文化很美…我总是在小说里读到这个乐器,我也想试试这个乐器。Sin Yi Forest Anglol this is the Guzheng which is from Chinese culture but there are similar versions of this instruments with the Korean one being called Gayageum which sounds completely different.哈哈哈,这是古筝,来自中国文化,但也有类似的版本,韩国的乐器叫做伽倻琴,听起来完全不同。Ran LiwenPompey F Korea always believe Chinese culture is belong to them,Asia country like China, Korea and Japan has a very similar culture. As a Chinese, I am actually happy because Korea really like Chinese culture. In old Korea, only high class Korean are allowed to use chinese. Even in Qing dynasty, they also said Qing is rude wild people because ming dynasty is the father country of them.韩国一直认为中国文化是属于他们的,亚洲国家像中国、韩国和日本有着非常相似的文化。作为一个中国人,我其实很高兴,因为韩国人真的很喜欢中国文化。但是在旧朝鲜,只有高级韩国人才允许使用中文。即使在清朝,古朝鲜也说清朝是野蛮人,因为明朝是他们的爸爸。Queen BeeIm so proud of myself, at least I know this song is from Ashes of Love :'''')我为自己感到骄傲,至少我知道这首歌来自《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》。aqilah.me too! That''''s why it sounds so familiar ??我也是!这就是为什么我觉得它听起来如此熟悉。

JMZL_28Her hair is so nice, I''''m jealous :(她的头发好漂亮,我都嫉妒她了。Rock TriceThere’s no cultural boundaries in music! This is touching!音乐没有文化界限!真是感动!Gold VueJust finished the drama last week and this is by far the best cover of the song I have heard. I love the sound that the GuZheng produces thank you for sharing such beautiful songs on your channel.我上周才看完这部电视剧,这是我听过的这首歌最好的版本。我喜欢古筝发出的声音,谢谢你在你的频道上分享这么美丽的歌曲。RoseNZiegi heard a guqin version for this song and it was really good as well.我听了这首歌的一个古琴版本,真的也很好听。Hoàng MyThis song from one of the best film of China during a long time. The name of the film is Ashes Of LOVE . I''''m a big fan of this film. Please watch this film once if your language has it ^-^ A GOOD FILM AND A GOOD SONG ^-^这首歌来自中国历史上最好的电视剧之一。这部电视剧的名字叫《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》。我是这部电视剧的超级粉丝。如果有翻译成你的母语的版本,请看一次这部电视剧。Mapz Hmar ZateIt gives me chills down my spine... What a beautiful instrument and the player and the song of course... A mazing.我脊背发凉……多么美妙的乐器,当然还有演奏者和歌声……难以置信。tsukushi makinoSong from ashes of love .....love it ....so awesome ...first time seeing someone playing the traditional Chinese instrument live ....till now only have seen in dramas ....????《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》之主题曲…爱死了....太棒了…第一次看到有人现场演奏中国传统乐器…我至今只在电视剧里见过…True ComplexThe things I''''d give up to learn how to play the guzheng为了学习古筝,我放弃了很多东西Nana LalaBeautifull performance, beautiful hair and beautiful song. Love it美丽的表演,美丽的头发和美丽的歌曲。喜欢。So UhaI''''m in love with this , why I feel like I love someone And I don''''t know who 。我爱上这只曲子,为什么我觉得我爱着一个人,却不知道是谁?TNI love this song. You play so beautifully and you are so beautiful. I want to come to Paris just to see you!!! Many thanks to you....我喜欢这首歌。你演奏得如此美妙,你是如此美丽。我想来巴黎见你!!非常感谢你……Fiona MGThis was in Bordeaux not Paris :)这是在波尔多,不是在巴黎。TNFiona MG Thank you very much Fiona! I want to go to Bordeaux then! Fiona MG 非常感谢你,那我想去波尔多!我是中华兔 TN Because she is on vacation, she is now back to China. She is studying in Bordeaux. At the end of her vacation, she should go back to school. She usually plays in the square on Saturdays and Sundays. TN因为她现在在放假,她回到了中国。她在波尔多学习。在她的假期结束时,她应该回到学校。她通常在星期六和星期天在广场上演奏。TN 我是中华兔 Thank you so much for the information on her schedule. It would be amazing to see her play in person. I will try to make an opportunity to travel to Bordeaux this fall! 我是中华兔 非常感谢您提供的有关她日程安排的信息。如果能亲眼看到她的表演,那就太好了。我将争取今年秋天有机会去波尔多旅游!Xiao Xing xingI like this song because i watch that drama "Ashes Of Love"我喜欢这首歌,因为我看了《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》这部电视剧。Léo SilvaShe looks like a goddess她看起来像个女神Siren BaeI love Ashes Of Love, my favorite Chinese drama out of all of them, it’s just so beautiful! ????我喜欢《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》,这是我最喜欢的中国电视剧,它太好看了!itscelinaGosh if I passed you while you were playing this amazing song I’d give you the biggest hug, I love you and the song so muchhh天哪,如果我在你弹奏这首美妙的歌时从你身边经过,我会给你一个大大的拥抱,我真的太爱你和你的演奏了。NefilimPLIt''''s cool, but I wish it was longer.很酷,但我希望它长一些。ad JoyWhat a lovely sound and what a wonderful skill to have !!! This looks to be a difficult instrument to play but to play it this well is outstanding !!! I love it !!!多么可爱的声音,多么美妙的技艺!!这看起来是一个很难演奏的乐器,但演奏得这么好,真是太棒了!!我喜欢!!Blade Frost Smithchinese music is always beautiful and somehow magical中国音乐总是那么美,那么神奇。Kim Hoang VuI would love to be present and witness these reactions, Chinese instruments just so beautiful我很想亲眼目睹这个画面,中国乐器真是太美了。Nonie ChangShe looks really enjoyed playing it and put all her emotions to it. Thats why the tones sounds emotionally deeper...bravo她看起来真的很喜欢弹奏古筝,并倾注她所有的情感。这就是为什么音调听起来感情更深。Carla GNIdk why but this song is so sad I made my cry为什么这首歌如此悲伤,我哭了Gracebell MyriaI love Chinese music.its do peaceful, their music makes me want to live in the mountain where there are waterfalls n plenty of birds without any disturbance 。我喜欢中国音乐,它和平。他们的音乐使我想生活在山上,那里有瀑布和飞鸟,没有任何打扰。Lau DSo beautiful and heart touching~????如此美丽、惊心。Pot PreciousWhoa! Didn''''t think that ancient Chinese instrument sounds this good哇!没想到中国古代乐器听起来这么好听T Lshe''''s truly an artist, just by looking at her costumes, she wears differently for every songs.她是一个真正的艺术家,单看她的服装就了不起,她每首歌穿着不同的衣服。Xena VolaI like how Chinese instruments makes the look graceful and aesthetic.我喜欢中国乐器,它使一切看起来优雅、有美感。pollo locoOmg every time I hear this song. I get really depressed天啊,每次我听到这首歌。我都想哭。PinkyBearThis was beautiful. Would have been a treat to see it live!好美啊。如果能看到现场直播,那将是一种享受!Muskan SayyedI get goosebumps everytime i hear this song or whenever its played on any instrument ??每当我听到这首歌,或是别人弹奏这首歌的时候,我都会起鸡皮疙瘩。Cheryl HaasI could listen to this all day. Beautifully done.我可以听一整天。干得漂亮。Smiley MusicThis instrument is so ancient and old i cant grasp its sound its deep and meaningful its so good.这个乐器太古老了,我无法领会它的声音,如此的深刻、有意义,如此美好。madeline michelathe music is beautiful and her hair looks really pretty!音乐很美,她的头发也很漂亮!

Tuan PinoWhat a beautiful performance everFrom Vietnam with Love多么美妙的表演啊来自越南的爱clarence midgettAbsolutely beautiful, a masterpiece of music and harmony美极了,音乐与和谐的杰作Sagi''''s DoodleverseI wanted to learn this instrument just so I can show off to all my school orchestra classmates.我想学这门乐器,这样就可以向学校管弦乐班的同学炫耀了。PioneerCHinese music is so beautiful...... It makes me feel like im in wonderland.... So magical.. Its like im flying in dreamland omg中国音乐太美了,让我觉得我在仙境……真神奇. .我的天啊,我好像在梦境中飞翔CrytraI swear their ears are blessed! Wish I could hear this live他们太幸运了! 真希望我能听到现场直播。Naoki Gamingshe can make an air knife from the guzheng sound, lol她觉得能根据古筝的声音射出一把气刀,哈哈哈。Dibyabharati pradhanI think I really have a deep connection with chienese music...they always make feel smthng which myself can''''t explain it..such a lovely music...I specially like chienese traditional music....我想我真的和中国音乐有很深的联系…… .它们总是会使我有一种说不出的感觉。如此美妙的音乐……我特别喜欢中国传统音乐…mit_ jackVery skillful play, suggest to have a introduction board in front of instrument about what it is, the history etc. as you rarely see it in China not even saying in other countries.高超的技艺,建议在乐器前面放一个介绍板,介绍一下这个乐器是什么,历史等等,因为你在中国很少能看到它,在其他国家甚至没听说过。May ChuaOops..hair blowing in the wind is in another video whereby she really looks awesome and plays beautifully天哪. .在另一段视频中,她的头发在风中飘动,看起来真的很棒,演奏起来也很美。Sharon TrotterShe shows so much grace and elegance while playing an instrument that few value today due to it''''s historical existence. Simply beautiful ??!!她在演奏乐器时表现出如此的优雅,由于古筝年代久远,今天很少有人重视它。简单而美好! !

