

Well hello and welcome to this English lesson about mistakes.

大家好 欢迎来到这节关于错误的英语课

We all make mistakes in life. I sometimes make mistakes when

我们在生活中都会犯错 我有时会犯错误

I'm really tired. I sometimes make mistakes when I'm not

我真的很累 当我不在的时候 我有时会犯错误

thinking clearly. Sometimes when I have a really long day

思维清晰 有时候当我度过漫长的一天

and I'm exhausted at the end of the day. Sometimes I make

一天下来我都筋疲力尽了 有时我会

mistakes. This is not going to be a lesson about mistakes

错误 这不是关于错误的教训

people make when speaking English though. This is going

不过 人们说英语时会感到紧张 这就要开始了

to be a lesson about mistakes that people make as they go


through day. The typical mistakes that you might make in

一整天 你可能会犯的典型错误

the same situations that I just mentioned. When you're tired,

和我刚才提到的情况一样 当你累的时候

when you're exhausted, when you're overworked, you tend to

当你精疲力竭 过度劳累时 你往往

make more mistakes. So I'm eager to do this English lesson

犯更多的错误 所以我很想上这节英语课

with you. And I think you'll learn a lot of new words and

与你 我想你会学到很多新单词

phrases that you could use to talk about the mistakes you


make or the mistakes that you see other people make. So

或者你看到别人犯的错误 所以

welcome to this English lesson about mistakes. So first of all

欢迎来到这节关于错误的英语课 所以首先

when we talk about mistakes. We almost always use the phrase to

当我们谈论错误时 我们几乎总是用这个短语来表达

make a mistake. When you're writing a test maybe you're

犯错误 当你写测试的时候也许你

writing an English test. Sometimes you make a mistake.

写英语测试 有时候你会犯错误

Um sometimes when you're talking in the past tense


you'll say ah yesterday I made a mistake. Um so generally when

你会说啊昨天我犯了个错误 一般来说

we talk about mistakes we use the verb to make. I don't make

我们谈论我们用动词犯的错误 我不知道

a lot of mistakes. Um but I usually double check everything

很多错误 但我通常都会仔细检查

I do. Especially my videos. I always check for mistakes.

我愿意 尤其是我的视频 我总是检查错误

Because if I make a mistake in an English lesson and put it on


YouTube that's a bad thing. Teachers shouldn't make

YouTube这是件坏事 老师们不应该做出错误的决定

mistakes. But generally this is the phrasing we would use. Not

错误 但一般来说 这是我们会使用的措辞 不

all the time as you'll see as we go through the lesson. So a

在我们学习本课程的过程中 你会一直看到 所以

common mistake when people are going somewhere is to make a

当人们要去某个地方时 常见的错误是犯错误

wrong turn. But we also use the verb take here. You can take a

错误的转弯 但我们在这里也使用动词take 你可以坐飞机

wrong turn. You could say something like oh sorry I'm

错误的转弯 你可以说“哦 对不起 我很抱歉”

late but I took a wrong turn or I made a wrong turn. Um I had

迟到了 但我拐错了弯 嗯 我有

directions on how to get here. But for some reason I took a

如何到达这里 但出于某种原因 我选择了

wrong turn or I made a wrong turn. Uh when you do this when

转错了方向 或者我转错了方向 当你这么做的时候

you're driving it means you get lost but sometimes you just


make a mistake. You make a wrong turn. Um this doesn't

犯错误 你拐错了方向 嗯 这不是

happen as much as it used to because a lot of people now use

就像过去一样发生 因为现在很多人使用

GPS. GPS is on your phone and it lets you find a place a lot

全球定位系统 GPS在你的手机上 它能让你找到很多地方

easier. But common mistake is to make a wrong turn or take a

更容易的 但常见的错误是拐错弯或拐错弯

wrong turn. And then this is not how you spell error. I was

错误的转弯 这不是你拼写错误的方式 我是

worried if I put a word on the screen that was a spelling


mistake people would think or they would misinterpret it but


that is intentionally wrong. Error is spelled E R R O R. But

这是故意错误的 错误拼写为E R O R 但是

a spelling mistake is when you spell a word wrong. When I was

拼写错误是指你把一个单词拼写错了 我小时候

a kid in school we would have spelling tests and I would make

一个在学校的孩子 我们会进行拼写测试 我会

some spelling mistakes when I took my spelling test. When you

我参加拼写测试时犯了一些拼写错误 当你

take an English test quite often you will make spelling

经常参加英语考试 你会拼写错误

mistakes. When you write the test and then the teacher will

错误 当你写测试时 老师会

take Points off. You will lose points for making a spelling

扣分 你会因为拼写错误而失分

mistake. Mistaken identity. So this is the formal term for

错误错误的身份 所以这是正式的术语

when the police or someone else thinks you're someone who you


aren't. It doesn't make a lot of sense. Let me re explain. My

不是 这没什么意义 让我再解释一下 我的

brother my younger brother has the same voice as me. And my

我弟弟的声音和我一样 还有我的

younger brother looks a lot like me. So sometimes people

弟弟长得很像我 所以有时候人们

think he's me or they think I'm him. And it's kind of like a

认为他是我或者他们认为我是他 这有点像

funny case of mistaken identity. Luckily my brother is

搞笑的身份错误案例 幸运的是我弟弟是

not a criminal. My brother is an upstanding citizen. So I've

不是罪犯 我弟弟是个正直的公民 所以我

never had the police come here looking for my brother and


because of of a case of mistaken identity think that I

因为一个错误的身份 我认为

was him. But that's not my brother by the way that that's

就是他 但那不是我哥哥对了那是

actually me. But when the police or the government or

实际上是我 但当警察或政府或

someone official thinks you're someone else we would call it


mistaken identity. When we do it when I do it in the

错误的身份 当我们这样做的时候当我在

classroom or just in life we usually say it's calling

在课堂上或生活中 我们通常会说这是一种呼唤

someone the wrong name. Sometimes you call someone the

有人叫错名字了 有时你会把某人叫做

wrong name. In class when students raise their hand to

名字错了 在课堂上 当学生举手示意

answer a question. I always make sure I use their name. I

回答一个问题 我总是确保使用他们的名字 我

have called people the wrong name before as a teacher it's

作为一名教师 你以前叫错了人的名字

not very nice. Um and I know someone was mentioning earlier

不太好 我知道之前有人提到

in the chat that they called someone by the wrong name. And

在聊天中 他们叫错了人的名字 和

that's just not a nice mistake to make. For the other person

这可不是个好错误 为了另一个人

and it's embarrassing for you as well. So there's a phrase in

这对你来说也很尴尬 所以这里面有一个短语

English to double book yourself. Now this is a mistake

英语是你自己的两本书 这是个错误

that people make sometimes where they agree to do


something on a certain day and time. And then they agree to do

某天某时某物 然后他们同意这样做

something else on that day and time. And then when that day

那一天和那一刻还有别的事 然后那天

arrives they realize that they double booked themselves. When

当他们到达时 他们意识到自己预订了两次 什么时候

you double book yourself it means you plan to do two things


during the same time on the same day and it's a mistake.

在同一天的同一时间 这是一个错误

You thought that you had nothing going on that day but


you put two things at 11 AM on April 30th and now on the day

你在4月30日上午11点放了两样东西 现在放在当天

you realize that you double booked yourself. Never a good

你意识到你自己订了两张票 从来都不是好消息

thing to double book yourself. Uh it can result in frantically

把自己的书翻倍 呃 这可能会导致疯狂的

calling someone to say you can't make an appointment


because you have two appointments to go to. Losing

因为你有两个约会要去 失败的

track of time. This happens to me sometimes. But I'm usually

时间的轨迹 这种事有时发生在我身上 但我通常

fairly good with time. But when you lose track of time when you

时间还行 但是当你忘记时间的时候

forget what time it is. Especially when you need to be

忘记现在几点了 尤其是当你需要的时候

somewhere. This is a mistake. Um I know there are some people

在某处这是个错误 我知道有些人

I work with who very easily lose track of time. Um and they

我的同事很容易忘记时间 嗯 他们呢

come to meetings late or they they just I don't want to say

开会要迟到 否则我不想说

too much. But some some people are very timely. And some

太多但有些人非常及时 还有一些

people lose track of time very easily. When you lose track of

人们很容易忘记时间 当你忘记

time again it means you just forget what time it is. So

又一次 这意味着你忘了现在几点了 所以

let's say you need to be at your sister's house for dinner


at six o'clock and then all of a sudden you realize that it's


five after six. We would say that you lost track of time.

六点五分 我们会说你忘记了时间

You made a mistake and you lost track of time. So as I was

你犯了个错误 忘记了时间 就像我一样

making this lesson I thought sleeping in isn't really a

上这堂课的时候 我觉得睡懒觉并不是什么好事情

mistake. Sleeping in is just something that sometimes you


choose to do. Sometimes you do by accident. But forgetting to

选择去做 有时候你是偶然做的 但是忘了

set your alarm the night before. I would consider a

在前一天晚上设置闹钟 我会考虑

mistake. When you go to bed if you need to get up at six or


630 or 7. You want to make sure that you set your alarm.

630或7 你要确保你设置了闹钟

Forgetting to set your alarm will mean that you will


probably be late for something the next day. So for me every

可能第二天就要迟到了 所以对我来说

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday night I set

星期天 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四晚上

my alarm. On Friday night and Saturday night I don't. But if

我的闹钟 星期五晚上和星期六晚上我不会 但是如果

I was to forget to set my alarm during those days then I would

在那些日子里 我会忘记设置闹钟 然后我会

probably be late for work. That would not be a good thing. So

可能上班迟到了 那不是一件好事 所以

forgetting to set your alarm is another a common mistake that


some people make. Um I don't make it very often. Um it's

有些人会做一些事情 我不常去 嗯是

nice though because Jen and I both set alarms so that makes

很好 因为珍和我都设置了闹钟 所以

it a little easier. Burning something. So when you bake

这会容易一点 烧东西 所以当你烤的时候

something or when you cook something you need to bake or

或者当你做饭的时候 你需要烘烤或者

cook it for a certain amount of time. And sometimes if you

煮一段时间 有时如果你

forget to set a timer or if you just forget about it maybe you

忘记设置计时器 或者如果你只是忘记了它 也许你

lose track of time. You might burn something. Okay so maybe

忘记时间 你可能会烧东西 好吧也许吧

you make some cookies and you put them in the oven and you

你做了一些饼干 把它们放进烤箱

need to set the timer for 12 minutes and you don't. And then

需要将计时器设置为12分钟 而你不需要 然后

all of a sudden you smell you smell something burning. You

突然你闻到有东西在燃烧 你

run to kitchen and then you realize that you burnt

跑到厨房 然后你意识到自己被烧焦了

something. So burning something is another thing another


mistake that people sometimes make. They lose track of time

人们有时会犯的错误 他们忘记了时间

when they're cooking something. Um and then and then it gets

当他们做饭的时候 嗯 然后就开始了

burnt or overcooked. Forgetting to lock something. So there are

烧焦或煮过头 忘记锁东西了 确实如此

a number of things in life that you want to lock. When you go

生活中有很多你想锁定的东西 你走的时候

out you lock your house. When you go to the grocery store if

把你的房子锁起来 如果你去杂货店

you drive there you lock your car. And sometimes you forget

你开车去那里 然后把车锁上 有时你会忘记

to lock something. It's not always a mistake. But it can be

锁东西 这并不总是一个错误 但也有可能

very very annoying to come out of the grocery store and


realize you left your car unlocked. And maybe somebody

意识到你没锁车 也许有人

stole something from your car. So forgetting to lock something

偷了你车上的东西 所以忘了锁东西

is another common mistake people make. They forget to

这是人们常犯的另一个错误 他们忘了

lock their house. Maybe they go on a vacation. Uh and when they

锁上他们的房子 也许他们去度假了 他们什么时候

get to their destination they realize they forgot to lock

到达目的地时 他们意识到忘了锁门

their house. Or they forgot to lock their apartment. So

他们的房子 或者他们忘了锁公寓 所以

another common mistake that people make is forgetting to


lock something. Now there's also the mistake of locking

锁上东西 现在还有锁的错误

your keys in your car. Now this actually happens recently to

把钥匙放在车里 事实上 这种情况最近发生在

someone in my family. I won't say who. It's not nice to say.

我的家人 我不会说是谁 说这话不好

But sometimes you start your vehicle In a cold climate like

但有时你会在寒冷的气候下启动汽车 比如

Canada you often start your vehicle three or four minutes


before you go somewhere. And when you do that you can

在你去某个地方之前 当你这么做的时候你可以

accidentally lock your car. And then your car is running with

不小心把车锁上了 然后你的车就跟

the keys in it and you can't get in. Um sometimes people

钥匙在里面 你不能进去 有时候人们

lock their keys in their car at other times of year. I know we

在一年中的其他时间把钥匙锁在车里 我知道我们

had it once where when our kids were really little we let our

有一次 当我们的孩子很小的时候 我们让

one son play with the keys. So once I put him in his car seat

一个儿子玩钥匙 所以有一次我把他放在汽车座椅上

in the car and then I I gave him my keys to play with and I


closed the door and he he I think he was only three. He

他关上门 我想他只有三岁 他

locked the the vehicle and I didn't have the other set of

锁上了车 我没有另一套

keys. Jen was gone with her keys. So sometimes you lock

钥匙 珍带着钥匙走了 所以有时候你会锁门

your keys in your car. Everything ended okay though.

把钥匙放在车里 但一切都很顺利

Jen came home with the keys. Uh leaving something on top of

珍带着钥匙回家了 把东西放在上面

your car. So one time I was driving and I was in a parking

你的车 有一次我开车去了一个停车场

lot and a car was coming towards me and the had a cup of

很多人和一辆车向我驶来 他们喝了一杯咖啡

coffee or a cup of Coke or something on top of their cart.


And so I waved to them like I was like stop. And then they

于是我向他们挥手 好像我要停下来一样 然后他们

hit their breaks. But then it just fell and spilled all over

抓住他们的休息时间 但后来它掉了下来 洒了一地

the hood of their car. Uh I remember a couple of my kids

他们汽车的引擎盖 我记得我的几个孩子

laughing a bit. But that was a mistake that that person made.

笑了一下 但那是那个人犯的错误

They came to their car. They probably were carrying a lot of

他们来到车前 他们可能带了很多东西

stuff so they put their coffee on the car. Unlocked their car.

所以他们把咖啡放在车上 解锁他们的车

Forgot about the coffee and then drove away with it.

忘了咖啡 然后开车带走了

Drinking or biting something hot. So sometimes you burn your

喝或咬热的东西 所以有时候你会烧伤你的皮肤

tongue. Sometimes you get a cup of tea and the tea is really

舌头有时候你喝了一杯茶 茶真的很棒

hot. This tea isn't by the way. And you take a sip and then

热的顺便说一下 这茶不是 你喝了一小口然后

you're like ah. I burned my tongue. Uh it doesn't happen as

你就像啊 我把舌头烫了 呃 事情并不是这样发生的

much with hot food but it can. I know sometimes when I bite

吃热的食物很容易 但它可以 我知道有时候我咬东西的时候

into pizza the sauce on the pizza is still really really


hot and sometimes I burn my tongue. So another mistake that

很烫 有时还烫舌头 又一个错误

people make sometimes is to drink take a sip or drink


something that's too hot or biting food that's too hot and


then they burn their tongue. And so Sometimes you bite your

然后他们会烧掉舌头 所以有时候你会咬自己的嘴

tongue. Um when you chew food I don't know why this happens.


But about once a year or so I'm I'm eating and I'm chewing and

但大约一年一次 我吃东西 嚼东西

then I accidentally bite my tongue. Sometimes I bite my

然后我不小心咬到了舌头 有时我咬我的牙齿

tongue really hard and it hurts. Um but this is a mistake

舌头很硬而且很疼 但这是个错误

that doesn't happen very often. But I'm sure you bite your

这种情况并不经常发生 但我敢肯定你会咬人的

tongue once every few years. Um maybe you're eating really

每隔几年吐一次舌头 也许你真的在吃东西

fast. Maybe you're really hungry. So you're really fast.

快速的也许你真的饿了 所以你真的很快

Uh and then you accidentally bite your tongue. Never a good

然后你不小心咬到了舌头 从来都不是好消息

feeling. Um especially if you bite your tongue really hard.


It's never a good feeling and then you spend the rest of the

这从来都不是一种好的感觉 然后你会度过剩下的时间

day thinking why did I do that? Why did I make that mistake?


Wearing your shirt inside out. Now this can happen with other

把衬衫穿反了 现在这种情况可能会发生在其他人身上

articles of clothing. But sometimes people accidentally

衣服 但有时人们会不小心

wear their shirt inside out. So it's not necessarily a mistake.

把他们的衬衫穿反了 所以这不一定是个错误

It's more of a it's more like a forgetfulness. But I guess you

这更像是一种遗忘 但我猜你

could say that he made a mistake yesterday. He wore his

可以说他昨天犯了一个错误 他戴着他的帽子

shirt inside out the whole day. You can tell this shirt is

一整天都把衬衫翻过来 你可以看出这件衬衫

inside out. Because the writing that's usually on the back of

由内而外 因为通常写在

the shirt is usually inside. But this person is wearing the

衬衫通常在里面 但这个人穿着

shirt inside out. So you can see the writing on the outside

把衬衫翻过来 所以你可以看到外面的文字

of the shirt. So another mistake that people sometimes

衬衫的颜色 所以人们有时会犯另一个错误

make is they wear a shirt inside out. I have never done

他们穿的衬衫是由内而外的 我从来没有这样做过

this when I go to work because the shirts I have I would be

这是我上班的时候 因为我的衬衫

able to tell if they're inside out but I have done this around

我能分辨出它们是不是由内而外 但我已经做过了

the house. Usually when you put a T-shirt on sometimes it's

房子 通常当你穿上T恤衫的时候 有时会

easy to accidentally wear it inside out. This is something

很容易不小心把它穿反了 这很重要

that can only happen one way in Canada. And that's when you put

这在加拿大只能以一种方式发生 那就是你把

gas in a diesel vehicle. And then the phrase or vice versa

柴油车里的汽油 然后是短语 反之亦然

means the reverse. Putting diesel in a gas vehicle. So we

意思正好相反 在汽油车里放柴油 所以我们

have different names. But in Canada we have gas. And we have

有不同的名字 但在加拿大我们有天然气 我们有

diesel. Gasoline and diesel. Uh in other English speaking

柴油机汽油和柴油 用其他英语来说

countries it might be petrol. It might be fuel. Um but here

可能是汽油 可能是燃料 但是在这里

in we say gas and diesel. A gas vehicle cannot use diesel and a

我们说汽油和柴油 汽油车不能使用柴油和汽油

diesel vehicle cannot use gas. So in Canada the nozzles are

柴油车不能使用汽油 所以在加拿大 喷嘴是

actually different sizes. So you can accidentally put gas in

实际上大小不一 所以你可能会不小心放了汽油

a diesel vehicle but you can't actually get the diesel nozzle

一辆柴油车 但你不能真正得到柴油喷嘴

in a gas vehicle. So at least that's the case. And you might

在一辆汽油车里 所以至少是这样 你可能会

think that this never happens. Who would make this mistake?

我想这永远不会发生 谁会犯这个错误?

But I've actually heard in my life twice where I know someone


has put gas in a diesel vehicle and it's not good the engine

在一辆柴油车里加气 发动机不好

stops running there's major problems and huge repair costs.


So always put the right fuel in your vehicle. Put gas in a gas

所以一定要给你的车加油 把煤气放进煤气柜里

vehicle and diesel in a diesel vehicle. Um driving into the

车辆和柴油车中的柴油 嗯 开车去

curb. I couldn't find a good picture of this. By the way I'm

遏制我找不到这张好照片 顺便说一句 我

not sure if the dog's actually driving the car. Um but

不确定狗是否真的在开车 嗯但是

sometimes when I pull into a parking space I drive too far

有时当我把车开进停车位时 我会开得太远

forward and the front of my vehicle scrapes against the

向前 我的车头蹭到了地板上

curb. Have you ever done that? Where you drive into a parking


spot and then there's a curb and you just hear crunch

然后有一个路缘 你只听到嘎吱嘎吱的声音

because you you drove too far forward. This is probably a bad

因为你开得太远了 这可能是个坏消息

example of this but definitely when you drive into a parking

这是一个很好的例子 但当你开车进入停车场时

lot and when you drive into a curb that is not a Mistakes and

当你驶入路边时 这不是一个错误和错误

you're immediately aware you made a mistake by the sound


your car makes scraping against the curb. Leaving something on.

你的车撞在路边 开着什么

So this is similar I guess to well not burning something. But

我想这和不烧东西很相似 但是

this is like if you go somewhere sometimes when Jen


and I are driving we'll say oh did you turn the oven off? Or


did you turn the stove off? Like maybe you fry some eggs on


the stove. And then you forget to turn it off. Um a long time

炉子 然后你忘了关掉它 嗯 很长时间了

ago when Jen used a curling iron more. Sometimes we'd be

几年前Jen用卷发器的时候 有时候我们会

driving and Jen would say oh I think I left the curling iron

开车时 珍会说哦 我想我把卷发器忘了

on. So when you leave something on it means it's you Didn't

在…上所以当你在上面留下东西时 意味着你没有

turn it off. So you forgot to turn off the stove. You forgot

关掉它 所以你忘了关炉子 你忘了

to turn off the oven. You forgot to turn off the curling

关掉烤箱 你忘了关卷发

iron. These are really bad mistakes. Because if you leave

铁这些都是非常严重的错误 因为如果你离开

something on like a stove or a curling iron you could


accidentally start a fire in your house. That would not be a

不小心在你家里生火了 那不是一个好主意

good thing. Uh forgetting to water a houseplant. I don't

好东西 忘了给室内植物浇水 我不

know why. I think I'm laughing because this is something I

知道为什么 我想我笑是因为我

have done a lot. I am not good at taking care of plants when I

我做了很多 我不擅长在生病时照顾植物

buy houseplants I forget to water them. When you forget to

买室内植物 我忘了浇水 当你忘了

water a houseplant when you make this mistake they die.

如果你犯了这个错误 给室内植物浇水 它们就会死去

That that's just how it works. If you buy a houseplant and you

这就是它的工作原理 如果你买了一株室内植物

put it in your window. And you water it once. And then a

把它放在你的窗户里 你给它浇水一次 然后是

couple months later you look at it and you realize that you

几个月后 你看着它 你意识到

haven't watered it. That is a bad mistake because it will

还没浇水呢 这是一个严重的错误 因为它会

look like this. It will have died. So definitely forgetting

像这样 它会死的 所以肯定忘了

to water a houseplant is a mistake. That that has a sad

给室内植物浇水是错误的 这有一个可悲的结局

result if you make that mistake for sure. Forgetting to call

如果你确实犯了那个错误 结果会怎样 忘了打电话

someone on their birthday. So when you have a birthday it's

某人生日那天 所以当你过生日的时候

nice if people give you a phone call. It's nicer if they visit.

如果有人给你打电话就好了 如果他们来参观就更好了

But generally it's nice to get a phone call. It's nice when on

但总的来说 接到电话是件好事 穿上它很好看

my birthday my mom calls me. Um but sometimes you forget to

我的生日我妈妈打电话给我 但有时候你忘了

call someone on their birthday. Forgetting to call someone on

在某人生日那天给他打电话 忘了给别人打电话

their birthday is not a very nice mistake to make. Um my

他们的生日不是一个很好的错误 我的

mom's birthday is coming up in a few months. I will Absolutely

再过几个月妈妈的生日就要到了 我绝对会的

phone her on her birthday. In fact I will most likely go see

在她生日那天给她打电话 事实上 我很可能会去看看

her. Um but forgetting to call my mom on her birthday would be


a really bad mistake. People like it when you call them on

一个非常严重的错误 人们喜欢你打电话给他们

their birthday. It's just a nice feeling when someone calls

他们的生日 有人打电话来的时候感觉很好

and says happy birthday to you. Uh forgetting to put on

祝你生日快乐 忘了穿衣服了

sunscreen. So if you are a person that tans and burns and

防晒霜 所以如果你是一个晒黑、灼伤和

not everyone does but if you are someone with fair skin who

不是每个人都这样 但如果你是一个皮肤白皙

if you go out in the sun for too long without sunscreen on


or sun tan lotion you burn forgetting to put on sunscreen


is a huge mistake. Jen and I on the farm regularly wear

这是一个巨大的错误 珍和我在农场经常穿

sunscreen. Um when you work outside for a number of hours

防晒霜 当你在外面工作几个小时

on our farm and when you are of my complexion the sun is

在我们的农场 当你和我的肤色一样时 太阳就出来了

dangerous. So if I forget to put on sunscreen I look like


this. And it hurts. A sunburn is not a nice thing to have.

这而且很疼 晒伤不是件好事

And it's one of the worst mistakes. Forgetting to put on

这是最严重的错误之一 忘记穿衣服

sunscreen. It's such a simple thing. It takes like one minute

防晒霜 这是一件很简单的事 大概需要一分钟

to put sunscreen on. And if you forget and then a few hours go

涂上防晒霜 如果你忘记了 然后几个小时就过去了

by then you're like oh this really hurts. The worst is when

到那时你会觉得很疼 最糟糕的是

you get a sunburn on your ears. Or on or nose. For me that's

你的耳朵被晒伤了 或者在鼻子上 对我来说那是

what hurts the most. But definitely forgetting to put on

最痛的是什么 但肯定忘了穿衣服

sunscreen is a mistake. That you don't want to make if

防晒霜是个错误 如果

you're someone who burns easily. Texting the wrong

你是个容易被烧伤的人 发错短信

person. We talked about this a few a couple months ago. I

人几个月前我们讨论过这个问题 我

think it I did a lesson on when things go wrong or something


like that but certainly especially if you're texting

就像那样 但尤其是当你发短信的时候

something mean and then you're like I don't like you. Send and

有些卑鄙的事 然后你就好像我不喜欢你 发送和

then you realize that you made a mistake. That you sent it to

然后你意识到你犯了一个错误 是你寄给他的

the wrong person. So let's say let's say there was someone who

找错人了 假设有人

I didn't like. And I was texting them you know I don't

我不喜欢 我在给他们发短信你知道我不知道

want to hang out with you more. You're mean. That's not a very

想和你多出去玩 你太刻薄了 这不是一个很好的例子

nice text but and then if I hit send and then realize I sent it

很好的文字 但如果我点击发送 然后意识到我发送了它

to my mom that would be a bad mistake. I would quickly call

对我妈妈来说 那将是一个严重的错误 我会很快打电话

my mom and say that wasn't meant for you. Sorry sorry. But

我妈说那不是给你的 对不起 但是

texting the wrong person. Um it's an easy thing to do in the

发错短信了 这是一件很容易的事

world we currently live in. It's very easy to make a

我们现在生活的世界 很容易做出决定

mistake when you're quickly sending messages to people. Um

当你快速向他人发送信息时 会出现错误 嗯

but definitely not a good mistake to make when you text


the wrong person. Comparing yourself to others. So we live

找错人了 拿自己和别人比较 所以我们活着

in a world where it's very easy to think that other people have

在这个世界上 人们很容易认为其他人

a nicer life than you do. It's very easy to compare yourself

比你更好的生活 比较你自己很容易

to others. When you compare yourself to others you say

对其他人来说 当你把自己和别人比较时 你会说

things like oh my brother has a nicer car. My cousin has has

比如我哥哥有一辆更好的车 我表弟有

more money than me. And when you see everyone putting

比我还有钱 当你看到每个人

pictures on Instagram you see the good parts of their life


and you can start to compare yourself to others. This is a

你可以开始把自己和别人比较 这是一个

mistake. You should always be happy with yourself. Sometimes

错误你应该永远对自己感到快乐 有时

when you're learning English you do this as well. You

当你学习英语时 你也会这样做 你

compare how someone else is doing learning English. Oh he's

比较其他人学习英语的方式 哦 他是

learning English faster than me. He knows more words than

学英语比我快 他懂的字比我多

me. Uh but you should definitely avoid comparing


yourself to others. Um it's just yeah it will just make you

把自己交给别人 是的 这会让你

unhappy. Just compare yourself to yourself. That's what I

不快乐的把自己和自己比较一下 我就是这么想的

would do. So I put this one in here to be funny. Uh there's a

可以 所以我把这个放在这里是为了好玩 有一个

mistake that people make when they put toilet paper on the


toilet paper roll holder. Now this might not be as funny for

卫生纸卷架 这对我来说可能没那么好笑

you. This might be more of a North American joke. But there

你这可能更像是一个北美笑话 但是在那里

are two ways that you can put a roll of toilet paper on the


wall. One way the toilet paper hangs close to the wall. And

墙有一种方式是厕纸贴在墙上 和

the other way the toilet paper hangs far away. And people

另一方面 卫生纸挂得很远 还有人

actually argue about this sometimes. For me the far way

事实上有时候会争论这个 对我来说遥远的路

with the toilet paper hanging away from the wall that's the

把卫生纸挂在墙上 这就是

proper way and if you put it this way you've made a mistake

正确的方式 如果你这样说 你就犯了一个错误

so I'm not sure when you go to the bathroom how you hang your


toilet paper but certainly in North America people sometimes

卫生纸 但在北美 人们有时也会使用卫生纸

argue about which is the right way and which is a mistake. So

争论哪种方式是正确的 哪种方式是错误的 所以

I thought that would be a funny slide to put in here. Leaving

我觉得放在这里会很有趣 离开

food out. So when you home from the grocery store if you buy

食物出来了 所以当你从杂货店回家的时候

something like cookies you can leave the cookies on the


counter. If you buy something like meat though it needs to go

柜台如果你买了像肉这样的东西 尽管它需要离开

into the refrigerator or it needs to go into the freezer or


you need to cook it right away. But sometimes when you get home

你需要马上煮 但有时候当你回家的时候

from the grocery store you're really busy. And you might

在杂货店你真的很忙 你可能会

leave food out by accident. When you do this with something

不小心把食物放在外面 当你这样做的时候

like meat the meat goes bad. That's not a good mistake to

就像肉一样 肉也会变质 这不是一个好错误

make. When you leave food out and the food goes bad. It's a

制作当你把食物放在外面 食物就变质了 这是一个

waste of money. Cos now you have to buy it again. Um

浪费金钱 因为现在你得再买一次 嗯

Sometimes we have food meat that's frozen and we'll take it

有时我们会吃冷冻的肉 我们会吃

out and put it on the counter to thaw it and then we'll

把它放在柜台上解冻 然后

forget about it. It doesn't happen very often but leaving

算了吧 这种情况并不经常发生 但会离开

food out is certainly another kind of mistake that people do


make. So this one you might have a different opinion on


than me. Um I'm not sure I'm not an expert when it comes to

而不是我 嗯 我不确定我在这方面不是专家

exercising. Some people think that not stretching before

锻炼 有些人认为以前不做伸展运动

exercising is a mistake. That you should stretch before you

锻炼是错误的 你应该先伸懒腰

exercise. Other people Think no you should exercise and then


you should stretch after you exercise. So it's kind of like

运动后你应该做伸展运动 所以有点像

the the toilet paper thing again. Some people think it's a

又是卫生纸的事了 有些人认为这是一个错误

mistake to not stretch before exercising. Some people think

运动前不伸展的错误 有些人认为

it's a mistake to not stretch after exercising. Saying yes

运动后不拉伸是错误的 答应

too often. I think we all like to be nice people. And at work

太频繁了 我想我们都喜欢做好人 在工作中

or in our families people often ask us to do things and

或者在我们的家庭里 人们经常要求我们做一些事情和工作

sometimes we say yes too often and then we become too busy. So

有时我们说“是”的次数太多 然后我们就变得太忙了 所以

when you have an opportunity to volunteer to do something. It's

当你有机会自愿做某事时 它是

nice to say yes. But you shouldn't say yes too often. If

很高兴答应 但你不应该经常说“是” 如果

you say yes too often you'll be too busy and you will not get

你说“是”的次数太多了 你会太忙 而且你不会得到任何帮助

enough sleep. Maybe you'll start to eat lots of fast food

充足的睡眠 也许你会开始吃很多快餐

because you're too busy. So make sure that you say yes but

因为你太忙了 所以你一定要答应 但是

not too often. It's a mistake to not take care of yourself.

不太经常 不照顾自己是个错误

Not taking care of yourself means that you don't get enough


sleep. You don't eat healthy food. You don't exercise. When

睡觉你不吃健康的食物 你不锻炼 什么时候

you take care of yourself you make sure that you are healthy.

你照顾好自己 确保自己健康

Both physically and mentally. So not taking care of yourself

无论是身体上还是精神上 所以没有照顾好自己

is definitely a mistake. Having a simple password. This is not

这绝对是个错误 有一个简单的密码 这不是

my password. My password is not one, two, three, four. But it

我的密码 我的密码不是一 二 三 四 但它

would be a mistake. If you created an email account. And

那是个错误 如果你创建了一个电子邮件帐户 和

if you made your password one, two, three, four, five, six, 7,

如果你的密码是1 2 3 4 5 6 7

eight. I don't think they even let you do that anymore. Uh or

八我想他们甚至不再让你这么做了 或者

maybe your password is password. Or your password is

也许你的密码就是密码 或者你的密码是

your last name. Having a simple password is a mistake. Make

你的姓 使用简单的密码是一个错误 制作

sure that if you create a password you create a really

确保如果你创建了一个密码 你就创建了一个真正的密码

really good password. Uppercase letters, lowercase letters,

密码真的很好 大写字母 小写字母

numbers, symbols, whatever you need to do, make sure your

数字 符号 无论你需要做什么 确保

password is secure because having a simple password is a

密码是安全的 因为拥有一个简单的密码是一种

mistake. Drinking too much. Now I'm talking here about

错误酗酒 现在我说的是

alcoholic beverages. I'm talking about people going out

酒精饮料 我说的是人们出去

at night and having more than one or two beers or three


beers. Whatever your limit is. Um we use the word mistake to

啤酒 不管你的极限是什么 我们用“错误”这个词来形容

talk about things we've done that were a bad idea. So I

谈谈我们做过的不好的事情 所以我

might say something like this. Oh I stayed out late last

可能会这样说 哦 我昨晚在外面呆到很晚

night. That was a mistake. Or I drank too much beer last night.

夜那是个错误 或者我昨晚喝了太多啤酒

That was a mistake. So we Often describe behaviour if it

那是个错误 所以我们经常描述行为 如果它

affects us negatively the next day we describe it as a

第二天 我们将其描述为

mistake. Like oh I drove for 8 hours yesterday. That was a

错误我昨天开了8个小时的车 那是一个

mistake. I should have taken a break. Um or I went for a run

错误我应该休息一下 或者我去跑步

without stretching. That was a mistake. So bad behaviour or

没有伸展 那是个错误 如此恶劣的行为或

behaviour that's bad for us. We sometimes say that was a

对我们不利的行为 我们有时会说这是一个错误

mistake. So again staying up too late. You can say oh I

错误所以又熬夜了 你可以说哦我

stayed up till midnight last night. That was a mistake. Uh

昨晚熬夜到午夜 那是个错误 UH

whenever you describe behaviour that has a negative effect


right now. Like I actually went to bed too late two nights ago


and that was a mistake. Because I'm still feeling a little bit

这是个错误 因为我还是有点感觉

tired today. Um this man looks like he is staying up late to

今天累了 这个人看起来要熬夜了

do some work. Um probably would have been a better idea to go

做些工作 嗯 去可能是个更好的主意

to bed and get up early maybe. But staying up too late can

也许早点睡觉和起床 但是熬夜太晚可能

definitely be a mistake. Not creating a study routine. This

肯定是个错误 不创建学习常规 这

one I made this one specifically for all of you who


are learning English. I am a firm believer that you should

你在学英语 我坚信你应该

have a routine. You should have a weekly schedule for studying

要有规律 你应该有一个每周的学习计划

English. Not creating a study routine I think makes it a

英语我认为 不建立一种学习习惯会让它成为一种习惯

little easier maybe to learn English because you you just do

也许学英语容易一点 因为你就是这么做的

it whenever you feel like. But if you really really really

只要你愿意就可以 但如果你真的

want to make progress you should create a study routine.

想要取得进步 你应该制定一个学习计划

So I think it's a mistake to not create a study routine. I

所以我认为不建立一个学习常规是错误的 我

think everyone should create study routines if they are

认为每个人都应该创造学习常规 如果他们是

learning English.



