

Conduction of electricity in solids consisits of the drift of electricity that have been temporarily detached from the parent atoms. However,conduction in liquid electrolytes is ionic in nature. Ions, produced by dissociation of molecules, drift through the solution when a potential difference is maintained.

Whereas in solid conduction a single kind of charged particle, the negative electron, moves in the process, in electrolytic conduction both positively and negatively charged particles take part in the motion, the positive particles moving in one direction and the negative in the opposite.

Moreover, the particles moving in electrolytic conduction are of atomic or molecular mass, consisting of charged atoms or groups of atoms. while in solids the moving particles have the mass of the electron much smaller than that of the smallest atom.

drift of electricity:电漂移

parent atoms:母原子

in nature:实质上;本质上

dissociation of molecules:分子分解

potential difference:电势差

charged particle:带电粒子

atomic or molecular mass:原子或分子质量

charged atoms:带电原子

groups of atoms:原子组




Conduction of Electricity


A third type of conduction occurs in gases. This type of conduction is similar to liquid conduction in that both positive and negative ions move in the process, but it differs in the very important that very few of the ions exist before the beginning of the conduction process. Most of the ions are produced as a result of collisions between moving particles and molecules of the gas. Also the ions are of both atomic and electronic nature.



Under normal conditions a gas is a very poor conductor of electricity. There are very few ions present to take part in the conduction. A low voltage being applied to the specimen of gas, each ion moves toward the appropriate terminal. In this motion the ions collide frequently with molecules of the gas. In these colliding with a molecule seldom has enough energy to remove an electron from the molecule.

take part:参与

apply to:施加


appropriate terminal:合适的终端


As the potential difference applied to the gas is increased, each ion will acquire more energy, on the average, between collisions. When the voltage is great enough that an ion acquires between collisions suffcient energy to ionize the atom or molecule that it strikes, two or more new particles are produced, one being the electron knocked off the atom and the other being the atom less its electron. This the number of ions builds up very rapidly and a disruptive discharge, or spark, occrurs. This process of cumulative ionization is called ionization by collision.

cumulative ionization:累计电离

ionization by collision:碰撞电离


Nowadays we have a new type of conduction that occurs in a vacuum. In order to have conduction in a vaccum charges must be introduced. This is most conveniently done by thermionic emission, the emission of electrons by a conductor when it is heated to a sufficiently high temperature. This type of conduction has been widely used in electron tubes of radio, television, and many other modern devices.

thermionic emission:热离子发射



