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real strike

2019年词汇|柯林斯词典年度词汇:climate strike

在过去一年时间里,全球爆发了多次气候变化抗议活动。今年,从阿富汗到越南,全球各地纷纷爆发针对气候危机的抗议活动。反抗灭绝(Extinction Rebellion)的示威行动使世界各地的大城市交通瘫痪,瑞典少女格蕾塔·桑伯格号召青少年不去上学,走上街头抗议及政治家对气候危机的不作为。

柯林斯词典编纂者发现,与2018年相比,今年这个词的使用频率增加了100倍,于是乎,“climate strike”(气候)当之无愧地当选2019年度词汇。


a form of protest in which people absent themselves from education or work in order to join demonstrations demanding action to counter climate change


根据记录,“气候”一词的第一次使用是在2015年,那年的联合国气候变化大会在巴黎举行,大会期间爆发了大规模的示威活动。但是,直到2018年下半年这个词才开始流行,当时年少的瑞典气候活动家桑伯格决定每个周五都不去上学,而是到瑞典国民议会大楼前抗议。她的这一行动让自己成为了世界各地的媒体的报道对象,频频上报道头条。2019年9月,估计共有6百万人参加了各国年轻人自发组织的全球气候罢课活动,而这个活动也被称为“全球未来周”(GlobalWeek for Future)。


Massive protests across the globe over the past year reflect people’s growing sense of urgency to take action on climate change. Around this time last year, a panel of scientists convened by the United Nations released a report that found that the world had 12 years left (11 now) to dramatically cut down its use of fossil fuels in order to avoid the most catastrophic effects of climate change. For many, increasingly more destructive wildfire and hurricane seasons have made the risks associated with climate change hit much closer to home.

柯林斯词典的语言内容顾问海伦·纽斯特德(Helen Newstead)说:

Climate strikes can often divide opinion, but they have been inescapable this last year and have even driven a former word of the year – Brexit – from the top of the news agenda, if only for a short time.”



今年还有一些与气候相关的其他词语也参与了年度词汇的竞争,包括“再野生化”(rewilding)和“希望朋克”(hopepunk)等词。“再野生化”的意思是“将某些区域的土地重新恢复到最初的原始野生状态的做法”(the practice of returning areas of land to a wild state);名词“希望朋克”则被用于描述“一种在逆境中追求积极正面目标的文学和艺术方面的运动”(a literary and artistic movement that celebrates the pursuit of positive aims in the face of adversity)。




此外,"Brexiety"一词则真实地反映出英国人对该国政治未来的焦虑(the anxiety felt among some people around the U.K.'s political future),而Brextension则是对英国漫漫无决期的脱欧进程(the extensions to the deadline for Britain to leave the E.U.)可通过的无奈。


And members of a political party might bemoan an influx of "entryists," or people who join up with the aim of changing its policies.


By far the most kinetic is "milkshake," which, in addition to defining a sweet, dairy-based drink, now refers to the act of throwing such a drink all over someone.


The term shot to prominence after right-wing figures Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, were "milkshaked" by opponents on the campaign trail earlier this year.


The dictionary has no opinion on Brexit, other than to say it has been quite generous in its gifts to the English language, as well as inspiring the use of many old-fashioned expletives



It seems an age since we had more light-hearted words of the year … the politically charged atmosphere of recent years is clearly driving our language, bringing new words to the fore and giving new meanings and nuance to older ones



当然,在柯林斯选出的十大年度词汇里,还反映了一些亚文化色彩比较浓郁的词汇。例如,柯林斯词典表示,它还将“non-binary”(非二元性别)一词认定为特定的术语(specific term)。

柯林斯的词典编纂者们表示,增加“非二元性别”一词是为了承认“人们之间的关系以及定义自己的方式发生了变化”(changes in how people relate to each other and define themselves)。

“非二元性别”的人(Non-binary people)的定义是:

do not identify as either male or female and often prefer the pronouns they or them instead of he or she.


在此之前,流行歌手萨姆·史密斯(Sam Smith)今年宣布放弃二元性别,“我也是”活动家(Me Too campaigner )罗斯·麦高恩(Rose McGowan)和《粉雄救兵》明星乔纳森·范内斯(Jonathan Van Ness)等明星也宣布自己是非二元性别者。


The decision sparked a debate online about how people identify themselves and choose not to conform to the binary categories of male and female, heterosexual or homosexual.

柯林斯词典还增加了“double down”(拒绝让步)、“influencer”(网红)和“deepfake”(深度伪造,一种数字成像技术)等在社交网络上走红的词汇。

'Double down' describes those who "refuse to give ground" rather than admit a mistake, while 'cancelled' is defined as "publicly ceasing to acknowledge a person, organisation, etc, esp on social media, in order to express disroval of their activities or opinions".

Double down形容那些“拒绝让步”、不承认错误的人,cancelled被定义为“(尤指在社交媒体上)不再公开承认某人、某组织等,以表达对其行为或观点的不满。”

"BoPo," short for body positive, or the idea that people should be proud of their earance, was also on the shortlist.

BoPo是body positive的缩写,意思是人们要为自己的身体自豪。


climate strike (noun): a form of protest in which people absent themselves from education or work in order to join demonstrations demanding action to counter climate change.

bopo (noun): a movement advocating the view that people should be proud of the earance of their bodies, or any aspect of this, especially size; also spelt BoPo.

cancel (verb): to publicly cease to acknowledge a person, organisation, etc, especially on social media, in order to express disroval of their activities or opinions.

deepfake (noun, verb): (noun) a technique by which a digital image or video can be superimposed on to another, which maintains the earance of an unedited image or video; (verb) to superimpose one digital image or video on to another so that it maintains the earance of an unedited image or video.

double down (phrasal verb): to reinforce one’s commitment to a venture or idea in spite of opposition or risk.

entryist (noun, adjective): (noun) a person who joins an existing political party with the intention of changing its principles and policies; (adjective) relating to the practice of joining an existing political party with the intention of changing its principles and policies

hopepunk (noun): a literary and artistic movement that celebrates the pursuit of positive aims in the face of adversity.

influencer (noun): a person who uses social media to promote lifestyle choices, commercial products, etc to his or her followers.

nonbinary (adjective): relating to a gender or sexual identity that does not conform to the binary categories of male or female, heterosexual or homosexual; also spelt non-binary.

rewilding (noun): the practice of returning areas of land to a wild state, including the reintroduction of animal species that are no longer naturally found there.

来源:卫报、CNN、CBSNEWS、TheHill和Collins Dictionary等。





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