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earn money

Money 钱 (1)

There are a lot of things you can do with money!


First, you need to earn money or make money – both of these verbs refer to receiving money from your work. Another way to obtain money is to inherit money – receive money from a family member or friend . If the person was very rich, you could inherit a fortune (a fortune is a lot of money). 首先,你需要赚钱——这两个动词都指从工作中得到钱。另一种获得钱财的方式是继承钱财——在那个人去世后从其家人或朋友那里接受钱财。如果这个人非常富有,你可以继承一大笔财富(财富是很多钱)。

You can take your money to the bank and make a deposit – put money into your bank account. Later, you can make a withdrawal – remove money from your bank account. Of course, everyone likes to spend money – use money to buy things – but it’s important not to waste/squander your money. These verbs refer to using money in a way that’s not productive. 你可以把你的钱带到银行,并做一笔出存款-把钱存到您的银行帐户。之后,您可以进行取款-从您的银行账户中取出资金。当然,每个人都喜欢花钱——用钱买东西——但重要的是不要浪费/挥霍你的钱。这些动词指的是以非生产性的方式使用金钱。

If money is tight (meaning you have very little money), you should make a budget – a plan for how much to spend on things every month – and then you need to stick to the budget (continue following the plan). Otherwise, you might be broke by the end of the month! Someone who is “broke” has no money available. 如果手头紧(意思是你的钱很少),你应该做一个预算——计划每个月花多少钱买东西——然后你需要坚守预算(继续按计划进行)。否则,你可能月底就破产了!“破产”的人没有可用的钱。


1. earn money:赚钱

2. make money:赚钱

3. inherit money:继承财产

4. inherit a fortune:继承一大笔财富

5. make a deposit:存款

6. bank account:银行账户

7. make a withdrawal:取款

8. spend money:花钱

9. waste/squander your money:浪费/挥霍你的钱

10. money is tight:手头紧

11. make a budget:做一个预算

12. stick to the budget:坚守预算

13. be broke:破产了




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