简客游戏攻略网 游戏攻略 「龙腾网」厨师精彩的“转锅”技巧走红网络





A chef from China’s southwestern Yunnan province has become an internet star for her cooking videos in which she uses a big ladle to spin the wok and swing it around her body.来自中国西南部云南省的一名厨师红遍网络,因为她在烹饪视频中,用一个大勺子旋转炒锅,并绕着自己的身体来回转动。

评论翻译Melly VuongTime to tag Uncle Roger.是时候召唤Uncle Roger了。Law AboCause of death: got hit by a flying wok死因:飞来横锅。? ?x_? ?I'm Impressed because usually when you carry a Wok with both hands, It is already Heavy. Even If the Wok is small that doesn't change the weight of that thing. So I'm really surprised that she can carry the Wok with one hand while using something else to grab hold of it.这让我印象深刻,因为我们通常用双手拿炒锅,都已经很重了。即使锅很小也不会改变那玩意的重量。所以我真的很惊讶,她可以用一只手拿起炒锅,同时用其他东西来勾住它。

WATCH MY MEMES GODDAMNIT!She took playing with the food into a whole next level她把玩食物提升到了一个全新的高度。Lion SanNice, she made it enjoyable for herself and the audience, and dammmnnmmm she’s strong不错,她让自己和观众都很享受,妈的,她真的很壮。SomeoneWhen you want to be a chef and want to be a dancerShe : Why not both?当你又想当厨子,又想跳舞的时候,她:为什么不能二者得兼呢?Dexter MLBBUncle Roger: "haiya, that's not how you do it. let me show you.."Uncle Roger:“嗨呀,锅不是这么甩的,看我的。”

Quentin WongShe should have a role in one of those "kung fu cookery" movies. Absolutely no CGI or wire required!她应该在那些“功夫烹饪”电影中扮演一个角色。绝对不需要CGI或吊威亚!Shakti MahalikSeems like she took Disney movies,too seriously.看来她把迪斯尼的电影太当真了。Encha CodmUncle roger is gonna call the Wok abuse center hotline.Uncle roger会打电话给虐待炒锅热线中心打电话。Ron L HubbardThis proves that everyone has some kind of talent.这证明每个人都有某种天赋。Patrick PosadasHer: Spills overAlso Her: I took that personally她:饭撒出来了。还是她:谁说的?I am TrashAnd I can’t even make ramen without spilling the water a bit我连做碗拉面都会把水洒出来。FAKTA DUNIAI can't imagine the taste of this food我无法想象这食物的味道。jia maSad: always a chinese more capable than you.Sadder: you are chinese悲哀:总有一个中国人比我更能干。更加悲哀:我就是中国人。

Julian V.Menesesimagine her spilling hot oil on customer while watching想象一下她把热油溅到了旁边看戏的顾客身上……ZenmastermeMaybe someday she can get a job as a chef? 也许有一天她能找到一份厨师的工作?Hamoud“Ma’am please hurry, i am hungry please maam hello? Please i am hungry please”“妈妈,快点,我饿了,我饿了,啊啊,我了。”LeminionLevel 1: easyLevel 2: normalLevel 3: hardLevel 4: very hardLevel 5: Chinese第一级:简单;第二级:普通;第三级:困难;第四级:极难;第五级:中国人。A KwaA few years later ...Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Allow me to Introduce myself.几年后……腕管综合症向她报道。Vincent LeeJust imagine your wife is cooking for both of you and you're super hungry atm, but your wife is having fun spinning the wok想象一下,你的妻子正在为你俩做饭,而你非常饿,而你的妻子正在转锅转得很开心。Ambush MonarchCustomer: I need an orderHu Kaifeng: I'm gonna do what people call pro gamer move顾客:点单。Hu Kaifeng:看看专业选手的做法。Gerald SimWalking on legos: Walk of painGetting hit by a flying wok: Wok of pain踩到乐高积木:行走的痛被飞来的锅砸到:炒锅的痛Mohd HafizUncle Roger will looking for herUncle Roger会寻找她。Magnus The RedLook at those moves WHILE KOOKING YOU KIDDING ME看着这些动作,假的吧。

Jun HuaWhen the chef of the ramen stall in Naruto decided to fight Madara himself火影里的拉面师傅决定亲自对战宇智波斑。Official Zapseverybody gangsta until that food spills fly to people face所有人都在旋转跳跃,最后食物溅到人们脸上。Eimagine after more training she can throw the wolk to the customer's plate想象一下,经过更多训练,她可以直接把炒锅丢到顾客的盘子里。Elijah Ling Zhao ZhongUncle Roger should react to this.Uncle Roger应该有所反应啊。Just a Gilgamesh without a EnkiduUncle Roger is proudUncle Roger很骄傲。L0V3 ViSi0NShe definitely has Kung Fu though.她身上肯定有功夫。lion thei don’t like how when a woman does something and a man can’t do it it’s considered amazing but when it’s the other way around it’s just normal如果一个女人做了某件男人做不到的事情,就被认为了不起,但如果反过来就被视为很正常,我不喜欢这样。iNFINITY 52Uncle roger would be proud of her skillsUncle roger会为她的本事骄傲。Blue BellsUncle Roger gonna be like " FINALLY" someone who knows how to use wok.Uncle roger会说:“终于”有人知道怎么用炒锅了。Echa PurnomoGordon Ramsay been real quiet after this blow up在看到这个爆炸性场面后,戈登拉姆齐变得很安静。Joel AbrahamIm not standing anywhere near this woman when she is cooking当这个女人炒菜的时候,我会站得远远的。Eric ValencianoShe walking to the security check in airports confidently, only to hear a security guys in the metal scanner:"WhY YoUu BriNg LaDlE In YoUr TraveLLing LugCage?"她自信地走到机场的安检处,却听到安检人员在金属扫描仪前说:“你的旅行箱里为什么有个炒瓢?”Soteria SabaLol 1:21she's like "Nah I don't need this bowel anymore" yeets bowel out of existencelol,1:21她好像在说:“不,我不需要这个锅了。”然后那个锅就不见了。MinebloxIt's all fun and games till she loses grip and the wok is flung towards a person我们一直觉得很开心,直到她的锅子脱手而出,朝一个人飞了过去。Fred FlintstoneWow, I hope they don't spin something bad.哇哦,希望某些人不要因此编造一些糟糕的故事。Miftah BisyirI can smell the wok hay just by watching this video看到视频,我都能闻到锅气。Laal PoonWaiter: How would you like it cookedMe: MediumChef:服务员:几分熟?我:五分。厨子:开始旋转。Opan MustafaWhen your momma told you not to play with your food当你妈妈告诉你不要玩食物……

rodifan1Uncle Roger: she can dance better than Auntie Helen.Uncle Roger:她跳的比Auntie Helen好。Bee moEven Gordon Ramsay can't do that- be a cooking queen, a disney princess, and dance at the same time就连戈登拉姆齐也做不到:在担任烹饪女王和迪士尼公主的同时跳舞。Samiha AkhterI wonder how many times she burned herself for this.For the amateur people,please..don't try this at home..specially in public.我想知道她为此烫过自己多少次。业余爱好者请……不要在家里尝试……在公共场合尤其不要。Ultra XtremeHer boyfriend : waiting to eatHer: dancingHer boyfriend: still waitingHer: still dancingHer boyfriend: falls over from hungerHer: Still dancing ....她男朋友:等着吃饭她:跳舞她的男朋友:还在等她:还在跳舞她的男朋友:因饥饿而倒地她:还在跳舞……

?4568she did it like some sort of easy task... meanwhile me: *struggle to even flip an egg on a pan*她做这件事就像在做某种轻而易举的事情……而我:在平底锅上给鸡蛋翻面都困难。

YogeshShe is smiling while doing that not an Asian thing她在做那种事的时候还在笑,不太亚洲。

MusicAddictionAll she does is swinging... bruh this aint special a bit无非是转转转而已……噗,没什么特别的。Kevin KiteIt's all fun and games until someone is hit by the wok.在某人被炒锅砸到之前,我们一直很开心。Kelyrin - Your Safe Spaceand then here i am, struggling to lift my own wok with two hands然后就是我,两只手拿起自家的锅都费劲。crunchystudiesbasically a human representation of when spongebob makes krabby patties基本上是海绵宝宝做蟹肉馅饼时的真人再现。JonLa89Somebody needs to turn her into a Food Wars character ASAP谁来尽快把她变成《食物大战》里的角色。Tiley KrazzImagine the wok flies away...如果锅飞走了怎么办……『暗号化』encr_ptedEverybody gangsta until it starts to fly在锅起飞之前,所有人都很开心。World Anthemsbizarre things like this only happen in China.这种奇怪的事情只会在中国发生。mikhael dylanimagine thinking of hey why don't I start spinning my wok around想象一下,我心想,嘿,我也来转个锅?Pastel Hot MessShe's freaking air fryin your food with that dancing她在用舞蹈把你的食物搅得一团糟。Jackie Ronald Wayerston“You spin me right round baby, right round, like a record right round.”“你绕着我转,宝贝,就像唱片一样绕着我转。”Cozy Potatospinning wok ... and in heels too ?!!! this girl is not human转锅……还穿着高跟鞋?!!这个女孩不是人。LEENUH ,Imagine that flying out to the crowd when she can't hold on to that handle anymore.想象一下,当她再也抓不住那个把手时,铁锅飞向人群。

The LeviathanHer boyfriend would be a lucky guy.captivating woman with skills.她的男朋友会是个幸运的家伙。迷人的女人,迷人的技巧。blx ArmyThe spinning wok is giving me anxiety....what if it hits someone But honestly its impressive这个旋转的锅让我焦虑……如果砸到人怎么办。但说实话,令人印象深刻。Bad Podcast by CyrusAnd just like that she picked up the fallen ladle from the ground and put it back in the food! She is fun, but am not eating that food!看到了吧,她从地上捡起掉在地上的勺子,把它放回食物里!她很有趣,但我不吃那种食物!Tommy VeeePeople will do anything now days to get that moment of fame online. Humans have truly become bored and tired of everyday life. Lol现在人们为了在网上红那么一会,会做任何事。人类真的已经厌倦了日常生活。哈哈Cheryl MedeirosRealistically how many of you would stand there while she is swinging that wok around? Imagine death by kung pao chicken. You see her drop it.q实际上,当她拿着锅晃来晃去的时候,你们当中有多少人会站在那里?想象一下,被宫保鸡丁砸死……看看,她失手了吧。Sophia Isabelle NogaraUncle Roger needs to at least watch or react to this. I bet he's gonna be satisfied...Uncle Roger至少要关注一下或者来点反应。我打赌他会满意的……

a od lastWhen you know your on drugs.看到这个,你会发现你磕高了。Laksmana MelayuPlot Twist: She is Auntie Helen trying to prove she is better than Uncle Roger剧情转折:她是Auntie Helen,试图证明自己比Uncle Roger更好。Tammy ThumFirst thing came to my mind when I saw this was "Uncle Roger" 看到这个,我一下子就想起了“Uncle Roger”。Nuclear NadalGas: Hello there! Am I joke to youIt's just a joke. I like her dance.天然气灶:嘿!别无视我好吧。开个玩笑,我喜欢她的舞姿。Silver ShardMe as a kid thinking, what my mom was doing in the kitchen:作为一个小孩子,我在想:妈妈在厨房里做啥呢。Qui Nguyen TatShe watse like 90% of the heat during the process在这个过程中,她浪费了大约90%的热量。Evelyn DuongAll we need now is Stephen Chow to stand there and scream "HeeeeEeEeEeyyy"现在只需要让周星驰在旁边尖叫:“嘿~~~~~~~~”dull asparagusbro and she did this in HIGH HEELS?!?! howww兄弟,她竟然穿着高跟鞋玩这个!?!?哇哦。Laura ReubelUncle Roger would helplessly fall in love with this womanUncle Roger会情不自禁的爱上这个女人。JustAnOrdinaryGuyShe wants to be a Disney princess她想成为一个迪士尼公主。Dan NitonShe's able to spin the wok in style, while I'm able to mess up in style.她可以很有型的转锅,而我可以很有型的搞砸。UserInterface00As awesome as that looks, it’s an easy way for her hair or dirt to fly into the food.虽然看起来很酷,但这很容易让她的头发或灰尘飞进食物里。Ahmad NathanIts all fun and games untill she loses grip当她失手就不好玩了。Taehyung’s Slipperthey didn't add a 'do not try this at home' warning.:}应该加个警告:“请勿在家里尝试。”CarmthewWhy do I want this to be a League of Legends character? Because it’s epic.为什么我想让它成为《英雄联盟》的角色?因为它太棒了。Gunawan LoHopefully, we can see her in master chef show ,, especially in Master Chef Indonesia or USA 希望我们能在《厨艺大师》节目中看到她,特别是印度尼西亚或美国的《厨艺大师》节目。KhoPhi"Gordon has been real quiet after seeing this"“在看到这个之后,戈登拉姆齐沉默了。”DONKISS PHentertaining yet i dont want to be around w/ her in the kitchen尽管很有趣,但我不想和她一起待在厨房里。

Frankie RichardsonLove a girl who knows her way around a wok.我爱上了一个女孩,她对炒锅了如指掌。Gamer Yuno ゆのUncle Roger and Gordon Ramsay joins the chatUncle Roger和戈登拉姆齐加入了聊天室。

Ron LiloSome of the bystanders moved away in fear of getting hit by her dancing wok 一些旁观者因为害怕被她的舞锅击中而走开了。Anupma MahajanWhen you wanted to be a dancer but parents wants you to be a chef.当你想成为一个舞者,而爸妈想让你当厨子……intreiicSitting right in front of the spinning wok would be such a surreal experience.坐在这个旋转的炒锅前面,一定是一种超现实的体验。DragonflyImagine if the food smack in the face in the audience.想象一下,如果食物拍在观众的脸上……

andtam008she should have a world tour, or spinning wok challenge.她应该来一次世界巡演,或者是旋转锅挑战赛。Mary Clare CruzImagine all the dust in the air going inside the food...空气里的灰尘都掉进锅里了……

FuzzyWizardManPlot twist: The food is fake and is glued on the wok剧情转折:食物是假的,粘在锅上了。WHERE IS THE LAMB SauceMy anxiety when she started spinning in the crowd:当她开始在人群中转锅时,我就开始焦虑。Anthony HollidayNot trying to be funny but she should have protected glass in between the audience不是说笑啊,应该用防护玻璃把她跟观众隔开。


